A downloadable game for Windows


Self-induced virus  provides immortality while it harvests at other’s souls. You try to fix your mistake by talking to a god that will revoke your connection to their souls and your memory of injecting the virus.

The player is a lab researcher/scientist and wants immortality.

Meet this god by disabling the reality locks in your lab (min 3), and returning to your spawn point.

How to play

(Just in case you dont want to read all of this, I've added a non-invasive tutorial system in-game that will guide you as you play, and will disable itself after you've played a little more)

Switching 10 reality locks guarantees your exit. Each reality lock (past 3) increases your chance of a "successful" exit. 

However, you can still leave with 3 if you get lucky.

Be quiet to avoid the security system while you run through the lab at night (don't jump too often, and don't flip locks while moving).

You can pickup bandages to dampen your movements, and a mask to be protected from cameras if you trip the sound system.

Power the lights back on with a transformer box periodically.

After you are satisfied with your chances run back to your spawn and leave.

NOTE: I might add an actual tutorial in the menu at some point.


Move - WASD

Jump - Space

Sprint - Shift

Crouch - Control

Crawl - Alt

Interact/Pickup - E

Convert bandage to "health" - F

Pause - Escape


  • Procedurally generated map every time, with random trap placements and loot
  • Points system
  • Pretty hard game ngl


Q: So is this game a demo/prototype?

A: Yeah sorry, only had 3 days to make the game.

Q: Will you add support for more platforms?

A: No.

Q: ... well how do I not get caught?

A: Don't flip "reality locks" (just the yellow switches) while you are moving or jumping. Also don't jump too often unless you have stacked many bandages.

Q: What does "god wasnt on your side" mean?

A: You lost the exit/winning gamble (that's why you flip more reality locks, make the door anomaly more unstable).

Q: The lights went out... what do I do?

A: Find a transformer box on a wall and turn them back on.

Q: How do I get more time?

A: Memorize your route and switch placement to optimize time usage. Or just click f to convert a bandage into health at the cost of making more sound. 

Q: What is the glowing liquid?


Q: Will you update the game?

A: Probably not.



Update Logs



programmer: sarrio

custom models: sarrio

other 3d models: https://www.cgtrader.com/

textures: https://ambientcg.com/


run_undying 0.1.5 (WIN, DEMO).zip 84 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the file, or drag the folder somewhere that you'll keep it (probably desktop).

Open run_undying.exe.

Development log